
definition of reciprocal

The concept of reciprocal It is widely used in our language and one of the most common uses is in the sense that involves actions and feelings, because reciprocal precisely implies what comes and goes, then, whether an action or a feeling is received by part of someone, it will surely be returned with the same intensity and quality with which it was received.

So if a friend lends me money so that I can pay my expenses for the month because I lost my job, that help will be taken as enormous assistance, then when he needs something from me I will try to help him to the best of my ability.

Something similar happens with feelings, if someone gives me a lot of love, treats me with great respect, etc., then, in that round trip of the deal, they will treat them with the same respect and love that they have lavished on us.

It should be noted that the same thing happens when someone does not treat us well, rather he unloves us. We will tend to respond in the same way when interacting with him. He does not love me and then I do not love him, but not because of a whim but because in reality human beings tend to respond in action and in feeling to others according to how we feel previously treated by those people.

Also, we use this word when we want to indicate that both love and dislike are felt by both parties in a relationship. The affection that I feel for your mother is reciprocal, this is that I feel affection for your mother and I also know, I feel, that she feels the same, it corresponds to me in that feeling.

AND In mathematics, we also find a use for this term, to denote that quantity that multiplied by a number results in one.

For example, the reciprocal of 2 is ½, which will be = a 1. It will always give us one as the reciprocal amount.

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