
definition of tolerance

Tolerance could be described as an attitude, a way of acting, a way of being that is based on the idea that all human beings are equal and that therefore we must respect, protect and accept ourselves as we are without generating divisions that confront us, without attacking or discriminating. In more specific or individual terms, tolerance can also be understood as the attitude by which a person tolerates or accepts traits that do not necessarily have to do with racial, ethnic or religious issues of another person he knows (for example, having tolerance to someone being late, someone being disorderly, etc.).

Tolerance is today one of the most necessary acts for the coexistence of all societies on the planet, both between different societies and also internally. This is because today the ties between previously isolated communities are undeniable and inevitable, which makes it easier for one to come into contact with other realities and ways of living. While this is positive, it can also result in acts of fear towards the different, superstition, discrimination, aggressiveness and violence. Even, many times the problem is not unidirectional, but intolerance is registered at many levels as it can be a discriminated but also discriminatory community.

On the other hand, it is important to note that modern societies show a high tendency towards violence, for which acts such as mutual respect, tolerance, coexistence and peace are increasingly difficult and complicated. In societies in which violence is entrenched at all social and cultural levels, in all activities, it is very difficult to achieve values ​​of tolerance that ensure a peaceful life for all members of the same.

Tolerance is exercised day by day and can be stimulated from interaction with others, especially with those who are different from one, since this allows knowing other realities and gradually accepting that there is not a single moral rod but rather that each culture It is modeled after your specific needs and interests.

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