
definition of aroma

The term aroma is one that is used to refer to smells or essences that can be detected by both men and animals through the olfactory sense. When we talk about aroma, we refer mainly to pleasant smells that can come from different elements or products, both natural and artificial. Thanks to the important evolution of the perfume industry, today it is easy to imitate or reproduce aromas and smells of infinite things and turn them into unique and particular mixtures.

The aroma is an element that is detected through the olfactory system. This system is based mainly on the operation of the nose and all the sensors that it has, in charge of bringing information to the brain so that it processes it and can identify the type of aroma that is present. As said before, the aroma is always a positive or pleasant smell, as opposed to what is meant by odor, which is generally negative or unpleasant. Although the sensation that an aroma is pleasant can have an organic or natural component, many aromas or odors are classified as such based on cultural reasons (for example, certain odors that are unpleasant to the human nose are not so for animals for a cultural issue).

The aroma can vary in intensity, durability, fragrance and components according to the type of element referred to. Thus, the aroma of a flower can be much softer and more fragile than that of a meal or a preparation. Scents are combined in infinite and diverse ways to create unique and unmatched perfumes. This process is carried out almost entirely in a chemical way since the perfume industries or laboratories have essences that are imitation of the true aromas.

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