
definition of proactive

The term proactive refers to an attitude that can be observable in any human being and that will be characterized mainly among other issues by actively assuming control of their life, that is, the static, the permanent, for a person who decides as a way of life Adopting proactivity will no longer exist if it ever existed, since the initiative in the development of actions marked by boldness and creativity will be the natural way of acting and behaving for a proactive person..

Preeminently, the goal of personal and professional improvement is usually the determining factor or trigger to adopt a proactive attitude in life Because undoubtedly, whoever, in the face of a problem or conflict, instead of reacting badly and negatively, almost resigning himself as if there were no possible solutions, assumes a positive attitude, which will seek solutions even where there are none, that person will undoubtedly be closer to success and success. self-improvement than those who are at the opposite pole of this position that we described.

Without wanting to fall into generalizations, there are some basic characteristics that serve to recognize or recognize proactivity in oneself: focus efforts on those issues over which there is broad awareness and control to do something good and possible, display of positive energy and move only through meditated values, that is, it is not worth being distracted by any unforeseen situation imposed by the environment, but despite this the proactive person will continue to be the owner of an unshakable attitude that is governed only by those things or scenarios broad and previously thought out.

From what we exposed it is clear and it is easy to deduce that a person who has all these characteristics in his professional performance, for example, will undoubtedly become or end up becoming a key and fundamental piece for any company or organization, because of course, It is known that it will always aim for success and improvement instead of failure, therefore, before the imminence of a new job or when searching, it will be important to give an account and show that proactive side if you really have it .

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