
environment definition

An environment is a computing space or scenario where certain common commands, functions or characteristics operate.

In computing, an environment can be one of multiple possible places where a series of rules are followed or similar actions occur according to predetermined parameters. Often, an environment is a scenario that allows to act in a predictable way, since the user usually has information in advance about the characteristics or rules that regulate the operation of this space.

Among the most used environments are applications and programming software, which have shared elements and variables so that the developer operates accordingly. It is also often spoken of web environments insofar as they respond to international operating criteria or standards.

Another typical setting is a desktop environment (or in English, 'desktop environment'). In this case, this is the name given to the set of applications and programs that provide the user with an interactive, simple, fast and friendly experience.

Each environment has an individual aspect and behavior that, although it can be shared by others or resemble related environments, aims to meet specific needs and expectations that each user has.

There are environments of public knowledge, such as Windows desktops, which are familiar to a large part of computer users around the world, and this implies a contract of understanding between the designer and the end user. Another type of very famous environments are those developed by the Apple company for the Macintosh, considered of high aesthetic value and with the purpose of improving the user experience as much as possible.

There are also open source environments like GNOME. This type of environment seeks that the user can optimize the computing experience by himself, being able to customize it at his discretion.

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