
definition of mistrust

Distrust is the opposite of trust, therefore, the concept is used to refer to the lack of the latter.

Lack of trust in something or someone

We can consider mistrust as a negative human emotion because it implies insecurity about the actions that someone may take in the future.

In addition, it is an absolutely conscious and voluntary attitude that arises from the person who supports it and does not depend on the other in any way.

Trust is the full security or firm hope that someone feels or has for another individual, or to some issue, for example, a project or plan that is fully certain that it will work .

According to what the Social Psychology and Sociology, trust is more than anything a belief that estimates that a person will be able to act in a certain way in a given situation.

I told Maria the truth because I have absolute confidence in her.”

Meanwhile, trust may increase or decrease depending on the actions that the person in question is deploying. So, taking the example mentioned above, if Maria kept silent about what I told her, in the future I will turn to her to confide a secret because she knows how to keep a secret, on the other hand, if she did not, obviously, we will not tell her anything more and rather than trusting it, we will tend to mistrust it.

Trust is built over time and with positive signs in your favor

By this we mean that trust in relation to a person is built over time and of course with the proper samples and expressions that support it. For example, as we pointed out in the previous example, when a friend receives our confessions and keeps them in absolute reserve, this contributes to increasing our confidence in her.

Distrust is a feeling that almost all human beings experience in life; It may be that we live it as a direct consequence of having been deceived or defrauded by someone, or that we feel mistrust because such a feeling is part of our way of acting, being and thinking in life.

When distrust is part of our personality and complicates social life

This constant distrust will cause us to think badly of everyone else, regardless of having had or not a bad experience in this regard, that is, we will distrust everything and everyone with or without sustenance, a phrase, a look or any action will suffice for us to feel distrust of something or a person in the flesh.

Of course this question turns out be a great enemy when it comes to social interaction, making friends, forming a couple, among others, because all the time there will be thoughts that will make us think that if we approach someone and tell them an intimacy they can use it against us. And this, clearly, in the long or short, will end up complicating any relationship in which we have embarked.

So, when a person has a tendency to mistrust, it will be difficult for him to maintain social relationships and also build new ones, basically, because he mistrusts everything and everyone.

Distrust will make us see what probably does not exist and will obviously withdraw us socially and this will have as a main consequence social isolation.

It is undoubtedly the great enemy when it comes to establishing and maintaining friendship and partner relationships.

Without the existence of trust in the other, especially when there is nothing that makes us doubt, it will be very difficult to be happy with our friends, our partner, our relatives.

Although this can be modified from the experiences lived by each person, it is common that if we have a confident personality, our self-esteem will be high and in case there will be no space to feel constantly threatened by the alleged deception of the other, that is, mistrust .

Many can use it as a defense mechanism, in cases in which they have suffered repeated failures of their confidence and usually live with a permanent alert in the event of being deceived.

It is recommended that we be alert at a normal level and not go over to the other side of the absolute and total confidence of all, the middle ground is always better in all attitudes of life.

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