
definition of evaporation

In general terms, evaporation refers to the action and effect of evaporating and especially the most widespread use attributed to the term is that which refers to the conversion of a liquid into vapor.

So, evaporation is the process through which a liquid turns into a gaseous state, that is, when one substance separates from another, when what is known as the boiling point occurs..

At a time when heating, the substance in a liquid state acquires the energy and force necessary to overcome the surface tension that dominates it and then, when the entire liquid mass reaches that boiling point or also known as boiling point, evaporation begins to occur. of it and more heating, that is, if the heating of the liquid is not suspended, less of that substance will remain, because it will immediately transform into vapor and once it will disappear. Although, as we said, evaporation will be faster the higher the temperature, unlike what happens with the opposite boiling process, in which the temperature must be high for it to happen, evaporation, in any case, it can occur at any temperature.

In the water cycle and at the behest of the weather, evaporation will turn out to be a very important process, because when the sun heats a surface of a body of water, the liquid will immediately evaporate and become a cloud and when precipitation occurs in the form of Dew, rain or snow, the water returns to the basin and the cycle is completed. Other atmospheric issues, such as the wind, can also influence this process.

On the other hand, and at the request of Hydrology, evaporation is one of the important hydrological variables that will come into play when establishing the water balance of a certain hydrographic basin or part of it. What energy does is to intensify the movement of the molecules and the particles begin to escape in the form of vapor. This presupposes that the kinetic energy will exceed the cohesion force applied by the surface tension, a fact by which the evaporation will occur more fluidly and quickly when the temperature is high.

Meanwhile, within the evaporation process we can find the evaporative cooling phenomenon that occurs when the molecules reach a significant energy and begin to evaporate and the temperature of the liquid in question is considerably reduced.

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