
definition of hidalgo

The word hidalgo comes from the old Castilian, specifically from the word fidalgo, which literally means the son of something. As for its meaning, it refers to the person who has a noble origin. In this sense, the figure of the hidalgo must be understood in its historical context. At present, a derived term is used, nobility, which refers to the person who has a noble spirit.

The historical context of this social class

When the Reconquest began in Spain to recover the conquered territories of the peninsula after the Muslim invasion, the kings granted the title of hidalgo to those who had fought against the Muslims. In this way, whoever descended from a nobleman also inherited the title. The distinction of hidalgo provided an honorary recognition but was also accompanied by certain privileges, such as exemption from paying taxes or access to certain public offices.

Whoever had the category of hidalgo was considered socially as a dignified person and that he was part of a noble lineage (at that time they spoke of purity of blood). However, this circumstance did not necessarily imply a good financial position. In fact, there were hidalgos who lived in misery (the hidalgo should not work, since the work activity questioned his honor).

The status of hidalgo was only acquired by men, since they obtained it directly by their military merits or it was inherited from their ancestors. A third way to become a hidalgo was by marrying and having legitimate children who formed a large family, which was sometimes done to avoid paying taxes. This practice received a popular name, "knight of the fly", from which curiously comes the expression "to give a fly" (the gentleman with the fly was considered of inferior category, since his condition did not come from his lineage).

The figure of the hidalgo gradually lost importance with the passage of time and in the 19th century they officially disappeared. Although nobility no longer exists as a social reality, it must not be forgotten that it is part of the Spanish literary tradition.

The most famous gentleman in history

The true title of Don Quixote is "The ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha". This famous character from universal literature is an archetype of true noblemen. Don Quixote is a man who lives very humbly and who, influenced by reading chivalric books, decides to flee from an ordinary life.

Although his name is Alonso Quijano, he calls himself Don Quixote de la Mancha, since a hidalgo could not be an ordinary person. The character's madness and his nobility are the two factors that lead him to start a journey of adventure with his faithful squire Sancho Panza.

Photos: Fotolia - Andrey Kiselev / Anibal Trejo

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