
definition of feather

The feather is an element that is part of the body of all birds, whether they fly or not, and that serves to cover their skin from the cold, wind, water or other elements of the environment, allowing them to better protect themselves. The feathers can be found in the bird in several layers, the outermost being thicker and the innermost being softer, even having color variations between the layers. Each feather together forms what is known as plumage that, depending on the animal, the time of year, nervous states, etc. it can change and be replaced by a new plumage progressively.

In the science that studies animals, zoology, plumage is considered one of the existing integumentary systems. A integumentary system is one that covers the body of an animal to isolate it and protect the internal organs from the external environment. One of these integumentary systems is the plumage and removing the entire set of feathers from an animal can undoubtedly expose it to a host of complications such as diseases, infections, etc. The replacement of feathers occurs naturally in the body of the animal but progressively. In the same way, when an animal is exposed to alterations in its feathers, it suffers in the same way that a human being does when its skin is affected. In this sense, a very characteristic example are oiled birds that suffer significant damage to their plumage and that can be faced with infections or even suffocation due to the presence of petroleum material on their bodies.

Feathers are made up of thousands of follicles (species of hair) that are closely attached to each other and that protect the body from external agents. Each feather contains a rigid base that is what connects it to the body and a set of feathery follicles and feathery follicles. The first ones are the ones that remain more closed and united and the second ones are those that are closer to the base and that are more open and disorderly.

One of the most interesting elements of pens is that no two are alike, just as there are no alike fingerprints for human beings. Although each animal or each species maintains similar characteristics in terms of color, shape, length, thickness of the follicles, etc., the truth is that the feathers are different from each other. Together they make one animal distinguishable from the other based on hues, colors, etc.

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