
definition of parts of the sun

The Sun is a singular star, as it provides the light and energy necessary for life on our planet to be possible. If it did not exist, the Earth would not have life. On the other hand, the Sun is the axis of our planetary system. All the planets rotate around it due to the gravitational force it exerts on them.

His composition

At its center the Sun has a powerful "nuclear reactor" in which temperatures of 15 million degrees Celsius are produced and where oxygen is transformed into helium in a continuous chain reaction. When hydrogen nuclei fuse to produce helium nuclei, there is a small loss of mass and that matter is discharged in the form of energy that provides the sunlight that we perceive.

At its core it has a great density, specifically it is ten times more dense than lead. The energy discharged there takes about 10,000 years to reach the surface. Regarding its composition, it has 70% hydrogen, 28% helium and 2% heavy elements, mainly iron. Therefore, it is not a solid surface.

Different solar layers

The Sun includes six distinct layers and all of them function as a harmonic whole to provide light and heat. Each layer affects the others producing the necessary stability so that its mass remains united and compact.

The layers include an inner core, a radiant zone, a convection zone, a photosphere, a chromosphere, and a corona.

When observing it from the Earth we appreciate the photosphere and the rest of the layers constitute the inner zone of the Sun. The layers below its surface are more dense as the depth increases. On the other hand, the layers are hotter as the depth increases because the Sun's heat takes place in the core and subsequently flows outwards.

Each of its layers has a function in the production of heat. The core area holds all the gas that surrounds it and thus prevents its collapse. The radiant zone and the convection zone maintain pressure against the core. The photosphere is the layer from which the Earth receives light and heat. The chromosphere emits most of the light in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. Finally, the corona allows the distribution of light and heat that reach the Earth and the other planets through the solar winds.

Photos: Fotolia - Vadar / Satori

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