
definition of osmosis

At the end of osmosis We use it in our language in two senses. On the one hand to designate at the request of the Physical to that phenomenon that involves the mutual passage of liquids of different density through a membrane that is semi-permeable and separates them. It is worth mentioning that the membrane has pores of molecular dimension, that is to say, they are really small and in case only the smallest molecules will be able to cross the membrane and, on the contrary, the largest ones will not be able to cross the membrane.

While it is important to emphasize that this process has great physiological relevance in the cells of humans and animals.

In the case of living beings, the movement of water through the membrane can cause some cells to wrinkle due to the considerable loss of water, or failing that they swell, in some extreme cases to the point of bursting, as well. due to the excessive presence of water. Meanwhile, to avoid both situations that obviously generate very bad consequences for the cells, they have a mechanism that allows them to expel water

There are two types of osmosis that differ substantially from each other. On the one hand the direct osmosis which is a natural process that occurs in all living cells and results in the extraction of pure water from the natural environment.

And on the opposite side is the Inverse osmosis that differs from the previous one because it is not a natural phenomenon like the preceding one but is the consequence of a process created by man and that consists of inverting what occurs naturally in direct osmosis, that is, its purpose is to obtain of pure water from a point of salt water or impure water.

The aforementioned semi-permeable membrane will be key in this process. There are several examples of reverse osmosis, the best known being the one that is used to concentrate the whey of the cheese, or the one that removes the alcohol from the beer.

And on the other hand, in colloquial language the word is used to speak or give an account of the reciprocal influence that exists between two people for example.

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