
Religious intolerance - definition, concept and what it is

We say that a person is intolerant when he adopts a disrespectful attitude towards those who have ideas or beliefs different from his own. Usually intolerance is associated with belligerent or offensive positions.

The classic bigot argument

Although there is no single cause that explains religious intolerance, it is possible to speak of a very generalized argument among those who practice one religion and are intolerant of others. The argument is simple: if my religious doctrine is true, it is reasonable that I fight those who defend false doctrines. This position is considered as a form of religious fundamentalism.

Religious intolerance is a phenomenon as old as religion itself

When the first Christians practiced their rites, they had to hide in the catacombs because the Roman authorities did not tolerate their beliefs. Jews have been persecuted at many times in history and the main motivation for this persecution was precisely hostility towards their beliefs.

The religious vision of the pre-Columbian peoples was fought by the Christians who came to the American continent. In Christianity itself there have been cases of intolerance towards other Christian doctrines, which have been labeled as heresies or deviations from the authentic faith. These examples remind us that rejection and intolerance of the beliefs of others has been a constant throughout history.

Religious intolerance opposes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 18 specifies that everyone has the right to freedom of thought and that this right affects the practice of religious beliefs. Thus, if we are all free to believe and practice one religious doctrine or another, our freedom is as valid as that of others.

Religious intolerance is not only opposed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but it is a position that fuels hatred and confrontation between individuals and peoples.

Religious tolerance is a relatively recent phenomenon

If we take the case of Spain as a reference, for centuries Catholicism has been very belligerent with other religious beliefs (Protestants, Jews or followers of Islam suffered persecution and suffered intolerance from the state and the Catholic Church).

However, since the 1978 Constitution, religious freedom has been regulated and currently Spanish society is mostly tolerant towards any religious belief or doctrine. This social climate of respect and tolerance also exists in the whole of Latin America.

Photos: Fotolia - Sangoiri / Comugnero Silvana

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