
definition of reformulation

Re is a prefix of widespread use in our language that is used a lot in front of a word that indicates some action or activity, to refer to the repetition of it. In this case that concerns us, it would be formulation, a term that refers to the expression of something through a very clear and precise way.

Formulate something again

Then, taking into account the above, we will say that the reformulation implies the fact of formulating something again, something that had been formulated in a timely manner is done again because it was not understood, because it went wrong, among so many possible alternatives, but the truth is that when something is The object of reformulation is because it did not go well in the formulation and therefore a reformulation is required.

Introduction of changes, elimination of errors

We must also emphasize that formulation is a concept closely associated with the scientific world since when someone creates a new proposal in some field of science, they systematize it and present it in a theory and it is popularly said that they have formulated a theory.

Meanwhile, and continuing within this case, it may happen that after the formulation of the same, the scientist in charge of the research, discover new alternatives and at the same time have to eliminate some maxims previously proposed, then, the reformulation of the theory, something quite frequent to happen in this field, eliminating some questions and accepting many others.

One of the basic characteristics of reformulation is that changes are introduced in what has been working on or in something that has been commented on and that is why it demands reformulation.

But not only in the field of science there are reformulations, in any other field or also in our own personal life there may be reformulations ... In the educational field there can be a reformulation of academic content, to agginate some subjects. In our intimate lives there may be a reformulation that leads us to decide to change our work, and in a company there may be a reformulation of its sales staff because the expected results have not been achieved.

Also when we express ourselves about something it can happen that suddenly someone does not understand us and then we will have to express it again, using other words, for example, if we use words that are not very understandable for the level of the interlocutor.

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