
definition of mixed

What is made up of heterogeneous elements

The term mixed, in its broadest sense, refers to what is found composed of heterogeneous elements, that is, that it is composed of several diverse components, like being the mixed marriage.

Mixed marriage and college, for example

A mixed marriage It is the one made up of two baptized people, of which one has been opportunely baptized in the Catholic Church, that is, under the Christian religion, without ever having abandoned it through a formal act and the other person is linked to another church or ecclesial community that presents full communion with the ideas and proposals of the Catholic Church. Putting it in other simpler words, they are those marital unions between people of different religions; Marriage between a Jew and a Catholic, without both having renounced their respective religious beliefs, will be considered a mixed marriage. Meanwhile, the Catholic Church provides for this type of unions to be carried out under its rite that a competent authority, such as the bishop of the place or a delegate of this, issue before the celebration a license that authorizes it.

Continuing with this sense of the word, we find another proposal of this type that is very common in the educational field, such is the case of mixed schools, those educational establishments that admit both men and women. This situation became more common in recent decades, however, in more remote times of our history it was not allowed for boys and girls to study and share hours at school, but teaching was separated by genders and so it is There were schools only for young ladies and many others only for boys.

Ham and cheese sandwich

On the other hand, in the common language of many parts of the Spanish-speaking world, the term mixed is also used to refer to that bread sandwich that is made up of cooked ham and cheese. Generally, it is made on white bread toasts that can be of different varieties, crumb, Arabic, field, among other alternatives; On these, the slices of ham and cheese are placed to taste, preferably distributed, and can be seasoned with different options such as: mayonnaise, savora, ketchup, butter, vinegar, oil. It can also be served cold or at room temperature.

This type of sandwich has become very popular in recent years and is usually eaten between meals or at lunch or snack, both in restaurants and bars. As an ideal accompaniment to it, it is indicated to serve it with french fries and a soda drink, but there are also many places that serve it with coffee with milk.

But we do not believe that this gastronomic proposal so consumed in these times is a product of our days. Nothing to see. The origins of this type of sandwich go back to the late nineteenth century, where it was used to be eaten at sporting events, more precisely baseball.

Then, its simple preparation and the satisfaction it produces for diners, has led to its consumption being extended to restaurants and bars.

Like everything else, it has evolved, and it is possible to find sandwiches of this type but aggiornados with some other ingredients that have the mission of enhancing its original flavor.

Paste used in artillery

On the other hand, we find a use of the word in the military environment where it is used to designate a paste made up of gunpowder, coal, tallow and saltpeter that is used to fill fuzes or other types of artillery. This mass has had a long use in the history of warfare.

Synonym of phosphorus

And the word is also used in some Spanish-speaking parts as a synonym for phosphorus, matchstick. Phosphorus is undoubtedly one of the main inventions in history because it has allowed human beings to obtain fire, ignite it in a simple and instantaneous way.

It consists of a wooden toothpick that has a wax head that manages to catch on thanks to the friction against certain surfaces.

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