
definition of decompensation

In its broadest and most general use, the word decompensation is used to express the absence or lack of compensation that may exist in any matter, thing, person, among other. That is to say, putting it in simple terms, when there is decompensation in something it will be characterized by the absence of equilibrium, that is, when decompensation prevails there will be no equilibrium. With an example we will see the concept more clearly ... If in a certain labor context we speak of wage decompensation, we will want to express that an oscillation and instability prevails in them.

On the other hand, the concept has a recurring and special use in the field of medicine since, on the one hand, the state of an organ that suffers from some condition and therefore cannot satisfactorily perform its function as it does regularly.

And on the other hand, within the medical context the word is used to designate another clinical picture such as decompensation syndrome, also know as bad pressure.

It is a disease characterized by an air embolism caused by the sudden drop in atmospheric pressure.

Its most unique manifestations include the appearance of small bubbles, more subcutaneous inflammation and acute pain in some parts of the body, even many of these areas of the body can suffer from momentary paralysis and in severe cases there can be permanent sequelae and injuries and until leading to the death of the patient.

It is worth noting that this condition is especially common among divers, that is, in people who work long periods underwater or in those who spend an extended period in a compressed air chamber.

It is precisely the sudden drop in air pressure that generates a decrease in the solubility of gases, and then, the gases once dissolved return to the gaseous state within the bloodstream but in the form of bubbles. Meanwhile, they are capable of obstructing the vessels and interrupting the blood supply to the nerve endings, generating ischemic conditions, among the most recurrent.

It is possible to prevent it if the diver breathes pure oxygen before and during the voyage.

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