
folder definition

The term file has different uses.

One of the most widespread is that of object that is used to group and protect individual documents of an organization or class notes, in the case of a student.

The file folder consists of a sheet of thick or thin but very rigid paper, which will be folded in half, achieving a surface greater than that of an A4 sheet. The documents are stored inside it, generally grouping them into common themes, for example, everything that has to do with Value Added Tax (VAT): payment receipts, new provisions, among other issues. , will be grouped in the same folder in order to facilitate the location of everything inherent to that particular topic. Therefore, it is that the order and organization are the two issues that are pursued with the creation of a folder.

As in offices and organizations there are usually more than one folder, the ideal is also to have a filing cabinet to facilitate the storage of a significant amount. Another related issue is the labeling of the material within the folders; For example, following the case that we mentioned above about VAT, the folder in question must have an adhesive label on the tab that says VAT, it can also be written with a pen if there are no labels.

This type of folder is sold mainly in bookstores, wastebaskets or stores that sell supplies for offices.

On the other hand, in the field of Computing, a folder is a grouping data files; Today's operating systems call these groups that way, and in fact the icon that represents them is a folder. As in the previous case, in the computer folders the files that are stored in each one will be related to a theme, for example, Music Folder, there I will store all the music that I have saved on the computer.

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