
definition of boredom

Boredom occurs when you experience intense boredom. The word boredom, boredom, apathy, indifference, reluctance or annoyance are some of its synonyms. Curiously, the word boredom comes from Latin, specifically from fastidium, which is equivalent to disgust.

The use of the term

With regard to food, boredom occurs when food is abhorrent. Thus, if someone regularly eats a certain dish, it can reach a point that they feel dislike and rejection of it. On the other hand, the foods that we dislike also produce disgust or boredom.

Certain repetitive situations are monotonous to us, since they do not provide any stimulus or incentive. When this happens, boredom occurs and it is a feeling of certain sadness and demotivation.

From the point of view of human behavior

A temporary feeling of boredom is a very common and unimportant circumstance and can be easily solved (for example, by doing an entertaining activity). However, when it is prolonged in time it can become a symptom of a depressive state. Keep in mind that boredom is associated with lack of appetite, laziness and vital fatigue. To overcome boredom and discouragement, psychologists recommend a series of guidelines:

1) incorporate a hobby or hobby into our daily life,

2) establish short, medium and long term objectives,

3) introduce healthy habits (especially physical exercise and a good diet),

4) take care of the physical appearance and

5) incorporate reward mechanisms to stimulate ourselves.

These tips can be helpful, since boredom creates a certain addiction and some people are "hooked" on sadness. From a psychological point of view, boredom has two versions, one moderate and temporary, and the other chronic.

From a philosophical point of view

Some philosophers have addressed the issue of boredom. The Stoics spoke of emotional indifference and apathy. Existentialists have dealt with the concept of existential anguish or life as meaningless. For Schopenhauer, excessive pleasure leads to dissatisfaction. Nihilism is a current that is based on the denial of the meaning of human existence.

Photo: Fotolia - Tatyana Gladskih

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