
definition of intersection

The concept of intersection It is widely used in our language with two senses.

On the one hand, in the field of geometry It is used to designate the one common point at which two lines intersect. Also to indicate the meeting between two lines, two planes or two objects that intersect each other.

But without a doubt it is in the road area where we use the term the most but we cannot ignore that its use derives, it results directly from the reference it holds in geometry.

Basically, a road intersection is the crossing of two or more streets, roads. Its main function is that those who travel them can connect with another road and thus reach the destination.

The road design normally has two types of intersections or junctions, to levelSuch is the case of streets or roads that suddenly intersect at a given point but at the same level.

And on the other hand there are those that are known intersections unevenness or overpass, which, as its name anticipates, is the adaptation of two or more crossroads at a height, that is, at the point of the crossing there are no roads because they are at different levels, clear examples are the tunnels, bridges or viaducts.

It should be noted that level intersections tend to be more problematic at the level of accident potential than those that are not level and that is why in some that turn out to be historically complicated, the municipalities decide to carry out works such as level crossings to remedy these inconveniences that often take people's lives.

On the other hand, and taking into account the danger that almost all intersections represent, it is that in most of them there must be traffic lights and to these they must be added warning signs anticipating their arrival or presence, among the most common and recognized worldwide are: STOP / STOP, STOP, GIVE THE WAY, among other.

It is also important that we indicate that traffic accidents are one of the main causes of death throughout the world, so the more the indications are respected, both from the motorists 'side and from the pedestrians' side, we will have streets, roads , roads, routes, safer for everyone.

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