
definition of fertile

The word fertile is one of the terms we use in our language to express that someone or something produces things in quantity, abundantly. It can be applied to both people and things. Thus, for example, we will find a fertile woman, who is one who manages to get pregnant easily and quickly; or with a fertile land, which will be that territory that is capable of incessantly producing crops.

Also, we use the word fertile to refer to that living organism that is able to reproduce.

Meanwhile, it is known as fertility to quality that is closely and directly associated with the actions of production and reproduction.

The concept of fertile is applied mainly to refer to the ability of a living being to reproduce.

For example, in the case of human beings, fertility is what allows couples to achieve offspring once the project of forming a family has been decided.

Meanwhile, with regard to human fertility, age is one of the issues that most affects it, because the moment in which women and men are most fertile is from adolescence and up to old age.

Along with age we find other issues that also affect the degree of fertility, such as the lifestyle that one leads, since an individual who takes care of himself at meals, does not drink, does not smoke and does exercise, against one who does not take care in the least.

Also, there are some inherited or acquired diseases and abnormalities that cause difficulties when conceiving.

Although the word fertile is the one that we use the most in our language to refer to the production in quantity of something or someone, it is also frequent that we use other terms, synonyms of it, such as being fruitful and prolific, which precisely allow us to express the same of abundance in production.

Meanwhile, the word that directly opposes fertile is infertile which refers to the opposite, that it is not capable of reproducing itself.

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