
definition of complex

Depending on the context in which it is used, the word complex presents various references.

That made up of several elements

To what is found composed of multiple identical or different elements it is called a complex.

It is a complex substance that will require several days of study.”

Difficult to understand or solution issue

Secondly, When something, a topic or question turns out to be difficult to understand or solve, it will be said that it is complex.

Complex issues in this sense demand greater attention to capture them, or time to solve them.

Japan's nuclear disaster after the earthquake is really complex.”

Set of establishments located in the same place

To the set of establishments or facilities that are located in the same place are popularly known as complexes.

My brother is building an unprecedented housing complex.”

Also, at set or union of several things it is called complex.

My son was prescribed a vitamin complex to help him grow.”

Psychology: ideas or psychological or physical issues that disturb a person

Meanwhile, at the urging of the Psychology, a complex is made up of a set of repressed ideas and emotions, all associated with a person's experiences.

These ideas, generally unconscious, will disturb the behavior of the person in question and will end up having a negative influence on their personality..

In the current use of our language we say that someone has a complex when it is noticed that that person feels that they have some physical or mental defect and manifests it, either openly or in a veiled way, but it is known that they are feeling it.

Among the most common physical complexes we can highlight short stature, fat, a prominent nose, among others; while on the psychic side we could mention low self-esteem, underestimation of skills or abilities, that is, when the person in question feels inferior to others

Many people who are not satisfied with their bodies and faces and experience a defect as a complex, often resort to cosmetic surgery to correct them and thus feel better about themselves.

Anyone who has a large nose can ask the surgeon to make it smaller, or a woman who has few breasts can also have an operation to enlarge them.

Cosmetic surgery, so advanced in these times, allows endless opportunities and alternatives for those who are not satisfied with any part of their body, and to be able to change that part that displeases and causes complexes.

On the mental level, when there is a complex it is advisable to go to a professional psychologist so that he can treat the complex in question and help the patient overcome it.

Of course, it will not be as easy and fast as going under the knife, but it is not impossible, it only demands therapy time and the desire to change on the part of the person, after having assumed their problem.

Among the most common psychological complexes we can mention the one already indicated Inferiority complex (when a person who comes from a lower social class, when applying for a job, feels inferior in conditions to another who comes from a higher class), with the Oedipus complex (simultaneous and ambivalent presence of loving and hostile wishes of a son towards his mother) and with the Electra complex (equivalent to the Oedipus complex but in its female version).

All three are very common complexes among human beings, which can be overcome with the will of the person and with therapy.

With regard to the Oedipus and Electra complexes, the work that the therapist carries out regarding the re-bonding of the patient with his / her father / mother is key in order to overcome them.

If there is no change in that aspect, it will be very difficult to overcome them.

Application in chemistry and mathematics

At the behest of the Chemistry, the complex is called molecular structure in which a metal atom or ion is surrounded by anions or molecules with lone pairs.

And on his side, a complex number It will be the one that manifests the sum between a real number and an imaginary number.

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