
definition of hostile

The word hostile is a qualifying adjective that serves to indicate when a person, a situation or a phenomenon is aggressive or unpleasant. Hostile comes from hostility, the attitude of responding in an aggressive and dangerous way to the integrity of a person or being. Hostility can be exercised in thousands of different ways and the intensity of it can vary not only depending on the person, but also on the situation, the causes, interests, etc.

Although hostility is present in many orders of life, and not only in human beings, it can be especially recurrent in some people who act through the use of violence, aggression and contempt for others. According to what specialists on the subject maintain, hostility is always an indirect display of deep fears and insecurities that are masked and made visible through aggressive verbal and non-verbal forms.

In many cases, the hostility of one person towards another can be generated voluntarily and with specific objectives. However, in some cases a hostile attitude from one party to another may be unconscious and involuntary, something that cannot be mastered and that already falls within the realm of irrationality. Hostility always shows disagreement and hiding that feeling is not always an easy task.

Hostility has been present with the human being forever. In any case, there were times when it has been observed in a great way, especially when there is a marked hostility between social, ethnic, political groups, etc.

Hostility has negative causes both for those who receive aggressive behaviors and for those who generate them, since the permanent use of violence and aggression generates increased stress and nerves, bad mood, disagreement and, ultimately, anger. permanent dissatisfaction with the other or with what surrounds us.

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