
definition of conservation

Conservation is the maintenance or care that is given to something with the clear mission of maintaining, satisfactorily, and intact, its qualities, forms, among other aspects. Meanwhile, this concept has a common use in areas such as environment, biology, and food industry.

Regarding the conservation carried out on some food, it implies the practice of different techniques aimed at prolong their life. Without a doubt, freezing in the home freezer is one of the conservation practices most used by people around the world. This allows us to buy food in advance and then give it a longer life in the freezer and of course, consume it later.

Dehydration, pasteurization and the addition of salt are some other common storage procedures in addition to freezing.

Tin cans, for example, they have a special treatment process that makes them last a long time in our cupboards and that microorganisms do not alter their condition.

Regarding environment, the concept of conservation is used to refer to the care and protection of everything that involves the natural environment, such is the case of animals, plants and the natural environment in general. Meanwhile, conservation consists in that human beings, those most responsible for the damage to the environment, promote and contribute with our actions to avoid pollution and also the indiscriminate and non-responsible use of non-renewable resources.

Now, it is worth mentioning that although everyone's conscience regarding caring for the environment is fundamental, so is the existence of a state policy aimed at protecting the areas that require it and the consequent punishment of those who contravene this situation. .

It is also important to highlight the work that many non-governmental organizations carry out in favor of the environment, among the most notable and widespread cases in the world is that of Greenpeace, an association totally doomed and committed to this mission.

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