
definition of modify

Through the word Modify, which by the way has a recurring use in our language, we can express the action of changing something, in relation to a starting state, transforming some characteristics, although without ever modifying what is inherent to the essence of that something. “It has been decided to modify the course schedule, however, the content of the program will be absolutely respected.”

Transform the characteristics of something or someone pro without changing its essence

So whenever the term modify is mentioned it is because mediate changes and transformations, but yes, always respecting the essence of those things that are subject to some alteration.

This change or alteration that implies modifying something may have a qualitative or quantitative meaning, being that in the first case the transformation will imply modifications in the quality of what is being modified, while in the second case the change will be plausible to measure.

Now, regardless of what is modified, the thing remains the same, its essence is always maintained.

For example, the appearance of a person, the appearance of an element, among others, may look different but what defines it remains intact.

A very clear example to understand this concept is that of a woman who decides to undergo cosmetic surgery to look different, because she does not like some aspect of her body, and then, the face is operated, changing her face a lot, however and beyond From this, the person in question will remain the same in essence, only the appearance of his face has changed, but if that person is anxious and kind, he will continue to be beyond that surgical operation.

In the commercial field it is used to improve a product and beat the competition

The change that is sought about something, a product or service, for example, may be due to various reasons, while in most cases it is due to the intention of improving a product or service, for which it is carried out a modification in some variables, for example, the packaging of a product, in order to make it much more attractive to consumers.

The companies, after a considerable time, decide for different strategic and commercial reasons, to modify some of their products, without obviously intervening any modification in the essence, because that is what traps their consumers, and they do it with the motivation to renew them, to offer them something different from the visual, but keeps them the same from the essential.

Competition between brands also usually leads them to change something external, for example, the aesthetics of their premises, but without thereby modifying the characteristic features of their production one iota.

It is important to bear in mind that the modifications can suppose an important economic and vital effort with which it is necessary to be one hundred percent sure of what one wants to modify, be it an object or material good, or some part of our body that does not we like it and therefore we decided to modify it to make it look better.

People always modify things and situations, to improve or because we do not like something

Human beings have a natural and constant tendency to modify things in our personal, professional, and even social and political lives, among others, because we do not like them, or failing that we modify them because we want to improve them, for example it is a typically human action.

There are regulations, which the legislative body or the political power decide to change because they have become obsolete, or because they do not defend the rights of minorities, for example.

Grammar: determining the meaning of a word

And also the word modify bears a special reference at the behest of the grammar, since in this area it refers to the determination of the meaning of a word.

It should be noted that the word modify is closely related to another term, that of modification, which is recurrent that appears every time the word modify is mentioned.

And this is so because modification implies the action and the result of modifying something.

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