
definition of coexistence

An intrinsic characteristic of human beings is life in society and in relation to others, there are no alternatives for people in this sense, we are always in connection and interaction with other pairs. Of course we will have private moments, of being alone, but much of our life is spent next to others and specifically sharing. Coexistence is precisely sharing life with another or others.

It is designated by the term of coexistence to common life that someone leads either with one or more people. We must purposely emphasize that the concept is usually used in relation to the life in common that a couple leads who is united by romantic love.

Coexistence is part of human life in almost all of life

Practically from birth we human beings are destined to coexistence, first with our parents, our siblings, then, over the years and once mature, having found the person with whom we want to share our life and personal projects, with our partners.

Also, although we do not share personal projects, in some way, with our friends and with our co-workers we have another kind of coexistence, but coexistence in the end, since as when sharing the same house, at work, for many hours the same physical space is shared, then, as at home, concessions must be made, disputes arise over differences and consensus after discussions, among other issues.

According to what many professionals in medicine, psychology and sociology maintain, coexistence turns out to be a transcendent factor for emotional well-being and for the health of individuals.

The importance of coexistence

Many studies that have been carried out regarding the importance of coexistence, of the relationship with others, have shown that those who are alone are more predisposed to suffer accidents, mental illnesses, suicide, among other problems, than those who live with others; Although self-confidence and independence are important characteristics for any individual, the support of others and the company are also essential, along with those mentioned.

How to achieve a harmonious coexistence

Meanwhile, to achieve what is called a positive coexistence in harmony, love, respect and tolerance towards others will be fundamental conditions, even when their opinions and actions are on the opposite side of ours.

Otherwise, to manifest a defensive attitude and always on the warpath, surely, coexistence will be very, very difficult with that person who manifests in this way.

So, it is impossible to coincide with dad, with mom, with a brother, with a friend, with a couple from work and with the couple in one hundred percent, but if the differences can be settled in an adult, respectful and loving way It will be simple to achieve a good coexistence, or at least that is what you should aspire to.

Now, beyond the desire and collaboration that everyone can have and contribute spontaneously, it will be necessary to establish basic rules of coexistence, for now this is the most common and what gives the best results, especially in the face of those reluctant to collaborate in this regard.

When we live alone, everyone is free to do what they please, to get up in the middle of the night and turn on the TV at high volume, not to eat at the dining table but in bed, however, when at the There is already someone else at home, things change and then a series of "laws" must be agreed to avoid disturbing the other in any way. Because we think that if we continue to act as if we live alone and do some of the things mentioned, surely, we will end up annoying our partner.

So, in addition to complying with the elementary rules that have been established with the one we live with, we must also say that it is important to always have actions that please the other and not that bother him or make him feel uncomfortable. A tender greeting in the morning, a smile when we arrive at night from work or study, knowing how to apologize when a mistake has been made, thank if we feel that someone did us good with something, and ask if the other can do something for us. , but always saying it please, they are ways that will undoubtedly help a lot in daily coexistence, at home, at work and in society.

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