
definition of hyperkinetic

The word hyperkinetic is a term used to designate that individual suffering from hyperkinesis disorder. Meanwhile, hyperkinesia, is the formal, medical name that has been attributed that minimal brain dysfunction, observed in children, and that is manifested especially by the display of behaviors charged by abundant activity and vehemence.

It should be noted that hyperkinesia is one of the most common mental illnesses that occurs in children and one of the main problems that result from this type of condition is the child's inability to pay attention to whatever it is. Whether it's a homework assignment, a game, or a parent challenge. Then, as a consequence, a state of total disorganization in which the child does not listen, does not understand and even loses all their belongings easily.

Although the presence of hyperkinesia is prior to the beginning of school life, for the most part, it is evidenced in this stage, which is in which the child increases his activities and relationships. Meanwhile, the impact on school development will be substantial, fully and negatively affecting the progress of their learning.

Another important point to underline is that hyperkinesis should not be confused with a child who likes to do mischief with recurrence and is restless, because in reality, in hyperkinesis, the child does not control his behavior at all, this must be a symptom for pay close attention to it.

Hyperkinesia is a treatable condition, generally, a combination of psychotherapy and drugs is indicated to reduce its levels.

The absence of medical treatment can lead to serious consequences for the physical and emotional health of those who suffer from it, therefore it is important to attack it in time and that the child's environment has a lot of patience to be able to counteract it.

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