
definition of traditional

The word 'traditional' is used as an adjective to be applied to everything that has to do with the tradition or traditions of a people, community or society. These traditions are generally passed down from generation to generation as part of the heritage of the ancestors and can include all kinds of values, customs, ways of thinking, beliefs and practices. Regularly, in addition, something traditional is something that seeks to maintain what exists or to recover everything that may have been lost before the advance of modernity.

We understand by traditional different types of customs and beliefs that specifically characterize each community and that serve to differentiate it from the others. In this sense, elements such as customary practices, systems of laws, gastronomy, clothing, cultural expressions, religion, history, language or the thought structures of a people or community take on special importance. These representations of tradition vary in each case and result in a very colorful range of ways of understanding and representing the world around us.

All these elements are those that must timely face the possible advance of other values ​​and customs that can make them disappear. It is here when everything that is traditional can become conservative and rigid since it does not allow other elements to permeate the culture and ways of life in general of that community.

It is also important to point out that the traditional adjective can, following the ideas raised here, refer to those structures that oppose any change or feature of modernity because they see it as a danger to the existing cultural and social integrity. In this regard, both religion and the norms of social hierarchy, modes of thought and political structures are those forms that can more clearly present traditional values ​​since they do not accept the advancement of other different elements and always seek to maintain the order of the moment. . In the event that the advance of modernity is unstoppable, traditional institutions will then seek to recover that lost past and always better.

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