
definition of foster

The widely used use of the word foment is for express the following related actions: propel, push, help, favor, benefit, organize and promote, someone in a certain situation, or something, such is the case of a work, project, among other alternatives.

Help, assist, promote and favor someone or a project

It should be noted, then, that the word in question can be used in different spheres and contexts always in relation to issues involving assistance, aid and promotion.

Social assistance to those in need to promote their development and progress

The word in question has a special use at the request of social assistance given that people who are on the streets, or who live deprived of some of the basic needs to survive, will demand assistance or help in this regard, that is, to overcome this state of affairs.

Although it is the national state that is responsible for responding to these deficiencies and providing assistance and help necessary to overcome this context, it is a reality, especially in underdeveloped countries, that this alone is not enough, and therefore it is necessary that ordinary people, with a vocation for solidarity and charity, intervene with assistance, either in their own capacity, or through a non-profit organization whose goal is to help this type of person.

In the case of the state, the first action so that these people can overcome their pressing reality is usually to give them a subsidy so that they can begin to reverse the lack of food, housing, among others, in the meantime, and ideally for That these people can have future prospects, is that later that subsidy is replaced by a job through which to earn a living and be able to support themselves.

On the other hand, the promotion of study in these individuals with deficiencies is also relevant, since knowledge is undoubtedly a resource that opens doors towards development and growth in today's society.

For example, the study and its promotion are essential so that people who are not born in abundance, or in a well-off situation, can ever overcome themselves.

Meanwhile, not always, what is promoted or promoted turns out to be positive or tends to generate profitable or favorable issues, either for the person, for their environment, or for the common good.

Because, for example, a father can promote, foster, in his son good feelings, far from promoting any kind of evil towards others, while another father can foster feelings in his son that have nothing to do with love, assistance and charity, guiding the child more towards a personalistic way of being in which the common good has no place but personal aspirations and achievements.

As in this case, many more others that appeal to constructive actions or, on the other hand, destructive.

But if we focus on beneficial issues to promote, an issue that is vital to be encouraged and to continue to be through the centuries is culture and passion for knowledge, since this is how humanity will be able to overcome its main shortcomings and develop to the fullest.

The importance of promoting knowledge for human progress

As we stated above lines when talking about the situation of people who suffer from economic deficiencies, knowledge, the promotion of knowledge in them, is the key to salvation, to finding a worthy and absolutely possible way out of poverty, because knowledge opens infinite possibilities of inserting itself in competitive labor markets, and by case it must always be encouraged.

Also, good practices and customs are important to be promoted by all social agents of a society to promote the construction of a community in which harmony and solidarity rule.

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