
definition of emerge

The word emerge, normally, it is used to account for the emergence, of the exit, from the interior of some liquid or any other redoubt towards the surface. “When we saw her emerge from the river we really relieved ourselves, we thought that she had disappeared after the fall of the boat. It is from the chamber in the basement from which the insects emerge.”

Exit to the outside of a contained liquid or the feeling that arises from inside someone

Meanwhile, as a consequence of the aforementioned reference lines, it is also that the term emerge is usually used in ordinary language to account for that which springs up or arises from someone or from a situation, such is the case of an emotion or a feeling that begins to be felt by someone. “In Juan, feelings of love for Mary began to emerge..”

So, the regular, common thing is that we use the term emerge to give an account or refer to what is appearing from some liquid or from the very earth, or failing that what is beginning to appear inside us.

In the latter case, the vegetables that are harvested emerge from the ground once they begin to develop and are nearing their point of being consumed by man.

Too, that which begins to show concrete signs of resurgence after a period of decline is usually referred to in terms of emerging. “The Argentine economy began to show signs of emerging.”

This last sense makes it clear to us that the word can also be applied to something that is not new, that is, that is just beginning to be experienced as a novelty, but can also be applied to things, situations, junctures, which at some time reached a peak. , then they relapsed due to various circumstances and finally resurface thanks to different factors or actions that are carried out so that this or that thing can emerge again.

It should be noted that the word emerge has been linked to other terms such as: to float, to appear, to appear, to germinate, to stand out, to be born, to arise, among others, which are usually used as synonyms of the same and vice versa, instead, it is directly opposed to concepts such as those of dip and sink, which precisely involve submerging in a liquid or any other type of matter plausible to cover an object or an individual.

The emerging: what is developing and growing in a society and that can happen in various areas

Meanwhile, everything that is in the situation of emerging is called emergent and is used with great assiduity in various contexts of our daily life and also in the society in which we live.

For example, it will surely be common for us to hear about the emerging economy, a concept that we have mentioned above to refer to that economy of a country that is developing and growing positively.

For example, a nation that came from an underdeveloped economy but thanks to industrialization begins to compete with the most important nations in this regard.

Also of emerging culture to account for that incipient culture that is flourishing in society and that is beginning to impose itself, and to mark its influence, of course.

Normally, these are rather marginal cultures, which arise in the peripheries or in suburban areas of a metropolis but which despite this and as a result of the novelty they bring is that they manage to spread and become classified as an emerging culture.

Computing: windows that appear on the computer without us having summoned them through an action

And in the field of computing, so present in our lives at this time, those windows that appear on our computers, which basically emerge, without our having asked for it with any specific action on our part, will be called as emergent.

The most common are advertisements, or special notices of the operating system that are intended to offer us publicity or notify us of something, respectively.

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