
definition of value judgment

A judgment is an opinion, an opinion or an assessment that someone makes about something or someone and from which normally a person determines when something is good or bad, when it is true or when it is false, when it is reliable or not, from his point of view of course.

The influence of personal characteristics

Meanwhile, the Value judgment It is none other than the assessment that a person makes about something or someone and that is the result of subjecting them to their ideas, personal values, experiences, beliefs and particular environment.

That is, people are born and develop in a certain context that of course will shape our personality, our way of perceiving the rest of the world, among other issues. Then, this in addition to generating that each individual is different from another and much more from the one who was born and developed in totally opposite circumstances, will affect the way in which facts and people are judged.

If we are raised in a hyper-conservative family, we will not see well, with good eyes, that our daughter decides to go live with her boyfriend without marrying. Or if we always surround ourselves with a very religious circle, we will surely tend to evaluate everything from the point of view of the Catholic religion and, for example, we will be guided by its precepts when accepting or rejecting certain facts.

Value judgments are mostly linked to ideas, decisions, behaviors and are considered as good, bad, useful or useless.

Predominance of Subjectivity over Truth

But as we said, the value judgment has a fundamental and very important subjective load and that is why that judgment that someone emits must be considered based on it, from whom it comes and understand that that person reaches that judgment as a result of their beliefs , experiences and environment.

This situation that we mention should be taken into account especially when the value judgment that someone makes about something or someone is certainly bad or reprehensible and ends up affecting the person on whom it falls. In many cases it is due to, as we said, very personal appreciations, which may even be totally far from a truth or coherence.

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account this aspect just mentioned and not give in to a value judgment that is only the very particular vision that someone has of life.

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