
definition of teacher

Own or associated with teaching

Generally, the word teacher is used to refer to everything that is owned or associated with teaching, understanding, by teaching, to that professional practice that is dedicated and takes care of imparting some type of education.

Individual who is professionally engaged in teaching in educational institutions

Although, the most usual and current use that is given to the term is to refer and designate that individual who is professionally dedicated to teaching in colleges, universities, among other educational centers. While this professional is also often called as a teacher and teacher.

Provision of pedagogical conditions and adequate training

Then, the teacher will be the one who will teach, whether of a science or an art, in any type of establishment with educational purposes and that as a condition without equanom, to deploy such activity, they must have specific pedagogical skills that are those that in definitive accounts will make you an effective agent of the learning process.

Teacher tools

Meanwhile, to carry out their activity, the teacher will use a series of tools that will help them transmit all the knowledge they have. Almost always, theoretical concepts will be followed by practical exercises in which the student will be able to access knowledge in a more direct way. In recent years, in addition, it has been sought that the teacher-student relationship is much more dynamic and reciprocal, in order to enrich the knowledge and get the students to become even more involved in the learning process.

Private teachers, a proposal for school support

The teacher, mostly, works in educational institutes that offer primary, secondary, tertiary and university education, belonging to the public or private orbit, although there is also a large number of teachers who teach on their own account, that is, in a free-lance, independent way, they teach classes in some subject or science.

In many parts of the world they are known as private teachers and they exercise a kind of support and school help role for those who are lazy in some subject and need reinforcement in that sense.

Education a base process in the delineation of the person

Education is one of the most important processes that affects people since it implies socialization and learning of various knowledge and subjects that will allow the intellectual and ethical development of that individual.

Receiving a correct education, without a doubt, will mark a leap in quality in the person and tomorrow will help not only to develop a profession or trade with which to support himself and his family but will also serve him at the time to solve various situations that life proposes.

So, knowing the tremendous importance of education in the life of human beings, fantastic also in importance is the task that a teacher develops in this sense, because as we have already seen, he is the bridge between knowledge and the student.

When this relationship is satisfactory and the teacher performs his role appropriately, the individual will enjoy an education that will allow him to develop effectively in his life.

But of course, when this does not happen the consequences will be disastrous for the student ... For this reason it is very important that the school authorities, who have the mission of directing the educational process, set their sights on the teaching performance, to improve it in cases that corresponds, and also to make it more and more effective to the needs and new demands that are being established as a result of the evolution of society.

The active role of the state is also very important in this regard, developing policies that encourage teacher training and of course providing them with attractive salaries with which they can cover their needs and have comfortable lives, especially in those cases where education is free and is the state then who has the responsibility to solve it at all levels.

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