
definition of speed

Speed ​​or accelerated movement presented or displayed by a certain machine, element, person

Generally speaking, it is said that the speed is the speed or that accelerated movement that presents or shows a certain machine, element, person,, among others. For example, "the turbo injection system that my car has gives it incredible speed." "The speed with which my sister runs is impressive, it is difficult for me to catch up."

Someone or something is distinguished by its quality of fast

On the other hand, the word speed is also used a lot in common language when you want to give an account that someone or something is distinguished, characterized by its quality of fast... "the Siamese cat stands out among the rest of the species for its fabulous speed when it comes to chasing and hunting its prey".

When the concept is applied to people, it may be wanting to refer that someone is fast performing some specific action or movement, for example running, walking, among others, and on the other hand, it may want to indicate that this or that person is very skilled, capable, skillful and agile when it comes to understanding, thinking about topics, subjects, among others.

Quickness of movement and quick thinking

That is, the concept of speed used in relation to people can imply the speed of movements and also the mental speed with which it solves a question.

In both cases, it will always be a positive and valued quality since those who have mental quickness will be highly appreciated in those levels and contexts in which such a mode is demanded and of course it will also be in terms of movements or performance of actions, since those who act quickly as a characteristic of their way of being will be able to react in an agile way in any situation that precisely demands quick action.

In emergencies, catastrophes, those who have the quality of speed will be the ones with the best chances of survival and also those who end up assisting in a compliant and effective way to those others who cannot react in this way.

For this reason, it is a question in these aforementioned senses of a highly appreciated quality.

The slowness, its opposite

Meanwhile, slowness, calm, is the attitude that is directly opposed to speed. The slowness precisely implies a slow and leisurely action in what is carried out in any plane or situation.

The relationship between the distance traveled and the time used to travel it

On the other hand, speed also turns out to be the relationship between the distance traveled and the time used to travel it.

In most cases the aforementioned magnitude it is usually distinguished with the letter v.

Speed ​​is a scalar-type magnitude with dimensions of length and time, it is measured in the same units with which speed is measured, however, it does not have the vector character of this, that is, speed represents precisely the haste module. Although this term, like another one just mentioned, speed, turns out to be the most appropriate when it comes to wanting or having to refer unequivocally to the speed module, it is correct and it is also something extremely common to use them as synonyms speed, even in technical and scientific contexts.

Units of speed include the following: meters per second, kilometers per hour, miles per hour, nautical miles per hour, mach, and speed of light in vacuum.

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