
what is rectangle »definition and concept

The word rectangle, at the request of the Geometry, can be used to express two questions.

On the one hand, the term is used to designate that body, shape, that presents right angles.

And on the other hand, the word is used to designate the parallelogram characterized by the fact that its four sides make up four right angles, while its opposite sides have the same length.

It should be noted that the parallelogram is a particular type of quadrilateral because its opposite sides turn out to be parallel two by two. In this way, this geometric figure is made up of four sides that have a double parallel side.

There are different types of parallelograms and precisely one of these types is that of rectangle parallelograms , which will be those in which the internal angles have a measure of 90 °.

In this large group we can group both square like rectangle that will differ from each other because in the case of the first all the sides have the same length while in the rectangle the sides that have the same length are those that are opposite.

Regarding your perimeter, as the sum of the lengths of all the sides that a geometric figure presents is called, will be equal to the result obtained from the sum of all its sides.

In the meantime, the area, which is the measure of the surface, in the case of the rectangle, it will be equal to the result of the adjacent sides.

Now, like any other polygon, the rectangle, observes a series of properties that distinguish it and make it unique, among them are: the parallel sides that it presents are always two by two; the diagonals it shows are equal and can also be cut into identical portions; and a plane is plausible to be completely paved by repeating in successive and endless rectangles.

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