
definition of masculine

The word male lets refer to living being, human, animal or plant that has male reproductive organs and therefore produces sperm or pollen, as appropriate.

For its part, biology says that the male sex produces sperm thanks to its reproductive system and that it is precisely these cells that facilitate fertilization, the procreation of living beings, once they have joined their female pair, the ovum.

On the other hand, the masculine word allows to account for all that own or relative to the being that has male reproductive organs and is capable of fertilizing. It is a very masculine organization in which women have no participation.

Immediately related to the masculine term are the terms masculinity, which is used to refer to the set of attitudes that characterize men or male animals and virility , which also expresses more or less the same thing: that it has characteristics of the male, such is the case of strength, energy, hair on the chest, among others.

And at the behest of the Grammar, the masculine gender allows us to name certain names and pronouns that designate people who belong to the male sex, male animals and also those objects that have a masculine character. Meanwhile, the grammatical gender in question, whether masculine or feminine, is very important when it comes to the concordance of sentences, for example: The house is very big is a concordant sentence, in as much, The house is very big It is not, because there is no agreement as to the gender of the applied article.

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