
definition of believe

The word to believe designates actions that are extremely frequent among human beings and that consist of: the acceptance of something as true or true (I believe in everything my mother says), the assumption or the thought that one has about something (I thought we were going to win the match), having faith towards something or someone (we believe in God ), usually a religion, and placing trust in someone (I believe in my lawyer and I know he will get me out of this).

Each of these issues mentioned are usually expressed in our language in terms of belief.

Undoubtedly the belief in certain ideas or doctrines, especially religious, is a typical characteristic of human beings.

When it comes to believing in a religion, faith turns out to be the foundation on which beliefs will be based. That is to say, in the belief in God it does not matter as for example in science having seen or verified that it exists, in this case it will be the faith that is professed that generates that iron belief.

And in other matters that do not have to do with religion and therefore faith is not part of the game, they play a relevant role when it comes to believing issues such as trust, respect and the closeness that one has with that person who we are. invites you to believe something.

People need to believe in something, sometimes it does not matter what but to believe and then what is believed in is given a true entity and total credit.

What is believed in is closely related to people's own convictions and to the moral values ​​that they follow or have been inculcated in a timely manner. In this sense, the education received from the family and the school is essential, and of course also the experiences lived.

There are also other external influences that can intervene in the beliefs that someone has, such is the case of pressure from political power or any other group that has the authority to subdue another and influence what they have to believe.

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