
definition of democrat

The concept of democrat has exclusive and recurring use in the political sphere.

On the one hand, it can be used to name to that person who is a supporter, promotes and defends the democratic system or democracy.

The democracy It is a doctrine characterized by the fact that it is the people of a nation who exercise sovereignty through the election of their representatives via suffrage. That is, it is the people, the social group that makes up a nation, who has absolute power and who will end up materializing that authority through voting and defining by case the party and the political tendency that will govern their country in those countries that enjoy democracy. .

It should be noted that democracy is the most widespread form of government in the Western world. The other side of democracy will be the dictatorship or any other regime that prevails and supports a totalitarian action on the part of the authorities that manage it.

And on the other hand, the concept of democrat is widely used to name various parties or political groups, one of the most popular is undoubtedly the Democratic Party of the United States, one of the two most important parties in the nation along with the Republican Party and one of the Democrats with the longest world history.

In ideological matters we must emphasize that the Democratic Party is characterized by supporting an ideology closer to the political left, that is, that within the group those who are aligned with proposals such as liberalism and progressivism meet. On the other side is the Republican Party with a more conservative position and therefore closer to the political right.

Now, it is important that we emphasize that within the Democratic grouping there can be very radical positions and others more pulling towards conservatism.

The party was founded in the century XIX by Andrew Jackson, the seventh president in the history of the United States, in order to formally access the presidency of the country.

At present in the country it is precisely the Democratic Party that governs the country through one of its most prominent leaders such as Barack Obama.

John Kennedy, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton they were some of the most notable American leaders who ruled under the banner of the party.

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