
definition of lake

The term lacustrine is used as a qualifying adjective to designate those spaces, phenomena or elements related to lakes. The lake is what happens in the internal space of the lake, as well as the type of ecosystem that is created around it depending on the climatic conditions of each place. Lacustrine comes from the Latin language in which the term lacus means lake.

When we speak of lake, we are referring to everything that has to do with the lake as a geological, aquatic, biological or geographical form. The lake is one of the most common formations that we find on the surface of the planet, being able to be produced both by the movement of tectonic plates, which by generating the formation of mountain chains can also cause the appearance of valleys later flooded by water, as well as by volcanic movements that generate depressions in the territory. The lake is always a static watercourse, that is, not current like the sea, streams or the ocean. This is so because, in general, the lakes of the planet are closed spaces that are not in constant movement and that are, in general terms, calmer or more pleasant for human life.

An important characteristic of lake water is that it is always fresh, which is why lakes and lagoons, along with rivers, are some of the few reserves that humans can use for consumption, the sea being made up of salt water. . As with the maritime environment, the lake environment also has particularities with regard to the flora and fauna that inhabit it and outside. This has to do so much with the density of the water, with the presence of minerals, with the temperature, the atmospheric conditions, etc.

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