
definition of linda

The word pretty It's that one term that we use the most to express that something or someone is beautiful, although, it should be noted, that we mostly use it to talk about the beauty of an individual, in this precise case as a consequence of the feminine gender of the word, is used to speak of the beauty of a woman.

Something or someone who have beauty

When something or someone is said to be beautiful, it is because we find it attractive and it develops in us an important positive emotion.

It is through our senses that we can perceive sensations, colors, and shapes, among others, and many of them are determined as beautiful, either by personal taste or by socially established parameters, which undoubtedly greatly influence the conception that we develop about it.

That which we find attractive or beautiful in some sense, and that by case draws our attention, will fall into the category of cute.

Change in the conception of the beautiful depending on the time and fashions

The conception of beauty has been changing over the centuries and is undoubtedly closely linked with fashion and the circumstances of the time in question.

We cannot ignore that there were times when women with a chunky physical build were considered beautiful, and others, in which, on the contrary, beauty was only highlighted if the woman was hyper skinny.

So, we can use the word in relation to things, objects, among others, for example, in relation to a chair, if it is in our opinion beautiful and fits our tastes and preferences; and also when we want to show that a woman is pretty, that is, she has a face and a proportionate physique that makes the average consider her as attractive.

Clearly it is a qualifying adjective that is applied to things and people to qualify them in a positive way, stating that they are pleasant and beautiful to look at, with a harmonious aesthetic disposition or that emotionally they provide us with some kind of gratification because they turn out to be fun, tender , good, among others.

Subjectivity also commands the consideration of the beautiful

Now, it should also be noted that although there are pre-established canons on what is considered cute or not, for example a tall woman, with harmonious body dimensions, with a symmetrical face and blue eyes, as opposed to a very short one. , and with bodily features that are not at all harmonious, not all people have the same aesthetic inclinations, and therefore what for someone may be beautiful for another individual may not be, with which, many times the beautiful is usually closer link to the subjectivity of each one, to what is socially established as beautiful.

Beyond the actions that each one can carry out to look better, prettier, it is possible today thanks to the fantastic development of cosmetic surgery and cosmology, to improve those parts of our body or face that we dislike.

It is always advisable to go to a doctor or responsible professional to help us find a vision that makes us feel better but does not change us and turn us into other people, because unfortunately there are many women who fall into the trap of some unethical professionals that in order to fill their pockets they end up changing their faces and bodies until they become unrecognizable and unnatural.

On the other hand, the use of the word linda is also frequent to refer to that which is pleasant, good and perfect.

Own name

Also the word cute is used as proper name of women in various parts of the world, especially those of English-speaking such as the United States or England.

Even Linda is the name of several prominent personalities, such has been the case with Linda McCartney, the wife of former Beatle Paul McCartney, who accompanied him for almost thirty years, and until the day of his death due to a terminal illness that afflicted her.

There are several synonyms that this term has, while that of pretty it is one of the most used instead. The concept that is opposed to that of linda is that of ugly, which refers to the opposite: that person or thing that lacks beauty.

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