
link definition

Links bind

The concept of link We use it extensively in our language to refer to what ties us, unites us or relates to a person or something.

Now, normally we use the word in relation to those bonds that we maintain, we establish throughout our lives with another or other people and in which love, affection, affection make a dent, being a fundamental fact that feeds so much existence as the maintenance of that link.

Affective ties

For example, we should say that without love or any other positive feeling that you feel for someone, it is very difficult to create or maintain ties over time.

We usually call them affective ties and among them the family ties stand out, which are those that we maintain with mother, father, brothers, uncles, cousins, grandparents, among others; social ties, which are those that we will add in our interaction in the various social settings in which we act, such as school, work, the club, and that leave us friends; and love ties, which are those that arise from the love relationship that we maintain with a partner.

The importance of links

Links, especially those that we have indicated in the previous paragraph, are essential for people since they make us feel loved, considered and then help in the fact that the person in question does not feel alone, being in many cases a great support throughout your life and on which you can lean when, for example, you are not well or things do not go the way you want.

So, it is not the same to have or not have emotional ties, of course the ideal thing will be to have them, take care of them, respect them and return the interest and affection that they profess to us.

The concept in law

In the field of law, the concept of bond has a special use since it refers to the fixing of a family's assets to its eternal domination but without the possibility of splitting any of them or alienating them, that is, of passing them to the name of another person. This resource is widely used when it comes to safeguarding goods.

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