
cross reference definition

The concept of cross-reference refers to all that information that appears in a text and that refers to a different document. It is, therefore, a signaling system that allows the reader to find specific and more extensive information.

Cross references are used in conventional printed documents (novels, essays, textbooks or research papers) and on the internet. In any case, the cross-reference variants are very diverse: an asterisk or a small number accompanying a word in a text (footnotes), an explanatory table, a hyperlink, bookmarks, images, numbered lists, etc. . In this way, just as in reading a printed document we use a marker to mark a word or a paragraph, in virtual reading there are indications that allow us to mark the information.

In short, cross-references can be understood as a utensil or tool at the service of knowledge.

In Word, in Excel and in other programs

When we work in Word, cross references are very useful. Through them we can go to a marker or a certain image. To facilitate its operation, Word programs incorporate the cross-reference option.

From this option you have to choose, select and insert the element to be referenced (for example, a marker). In this way, some examples of cross-references in Word would be the following: Return to page 4, as seen in table 3, in illustration 6, etc.

Cells used in Excel spreadsheets can also be cross-referenced, for example in a file or a different spreadsheet. In short, it is about linking data in order to integrate the information in a joint way.

In programs such as Acces or in java, cross-references are also used as work tools.

Why are cross references useful?

There is no single answer to the question, since the usefulness of this tool is very broad. First of all, the reading of a text and its comprehension is facilitated. Second, a certain explanatory order is provided.

On the other hand, cross-references allow the information to be permanently updated. Finally, this tool multiplies the possibilities of increasing the volume of information on a given topic.

Photos: Fotolia - Oleg Erin / Gstudio

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