
argument definition

The term of argument is designated as that reasoning, generally part of an oral or written speech, through which the person who expresses it will try to convince, persuade, make him understand or summarize to an interlocutor or a wider public, about certain question.

The two fundamental elements that should never be lacking in an argument for it to achieve its objective will be consistency and coherence., which is the same as saying that the arguments of a speech have some meaning or significance for the audience to which they are addressed.

Then and as we commented very succinctly above, an argument can be oriented to support a new belief, the resolution of a mathematical problem or to convince an audience about the adoption of a certain position or belief.

This last case that we mention is the most common within the arguments, since almost daily we are faced with the arguments that have persuasion as their main purpose. From commercial advertising, through the speeches of politicians to the preaching of the various religions, they are made up of arguments that are primarily focused on achieving a change in attitude or acceptance of an idea on the part of people.

For example, and as we have pointed out, politics is one of the fields that during and throughout its history have made use of propaganda based on highly persuasive arguments for their purposes.

Politicians, in addition to the plans they promote to improve the quality of life of citizens, who are ultimately the ones who will decide whether or not to actively participate in political life, must prepare extensively in terms of rhetoric and speeches with eloquent and effective arguments. regards, as these will mark the success or failure of your campaign. Although of course and as the popular saying goes that necessity has the face of a heretic, many of these arguments are characterized by a veiled manipulation to achieve their purpose.

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