
definition of kilo

The term kilo is used to designate a type of weight measurement. The kilo is a certain amount of weight that can be placed on any item unless it is liquid or gaseous, in which cases it could also be done but there are other more specific measures for them. The measurement of the kilo starts from the notion that all empirically knowable objects (that is, concrete, not abstract such as the imagination), have weight. The matter has as one of its properties the weight and this varies according to a myriad of elements, situations or particular circumstances.

The kilo is the set of thousand grams and in general the measure of weight is used to measure things from small to medium, the measure of tons (thousand kilos) being used for heavier things or elements. People, animals, are always weighed in kilograms and grams, except in some cases of animals that are very large (and can be weighed in tons) or very small (and do not weigh a kilo). The human being for now, is born weighing in most cases over a kilo so that is the measure that is used from the moment to know its weight.

The kilo is also very common as a measure in activities that have to do with barter, trade. The products that are traded are usually sold by weight, that is, the greater the quantity of product, the higher the price. Except for liquids that are sold in liters, everything can be sold in kilograms or grams in case it is not heavy enough. In addition, many edible items are today segmented into one-kilo portions for family and private consumption that can be made from them.

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