
definition of hobby

There are many words that come from the English language and as a consequence that they are installed in the Spanish language they end up establishing themselves as one more and they are incorporated as a consequence of that widespread use.

This has happened with the word at hand: hobby.

The concept is used with the same reference and meaning in both languages, to refer to that hobby or hobby that a person displays beyond their professional or student activities, and that is normally displayed in those free hours.

Hobby that a person does in their free hours to relax, entertain themselves ...

So, we understand by hobby, or hobbies in the plural, all those activities that a person performs for pleasure and personal interest and not for obligation such as work or study, that is, unlike the profession or career that one chooses to continue, and also practices or executes them regularly, that is, several times a week or on weekends.

Activities that seek distraction as a goal but are ephemeral, that is, they are not practiced assiduously cannot be considered as hobbies.

Although the concept that we use the most to designate this trend is the one mentioned, synonyms such as hobby and hobby can also be used.

Normally the hobby is a hobby that may not be related at all to the work or professional activity that one exercises and in this sense it becomes precisely a means of escape, relaxation or enjoyment in the face of the stress that work or study can generate. The variety of existing hobbies is as numerous as the number of people there are, since each one can have a different and particular hobby, adapting it to their unique lifestyle.

Hobbies can be activities of different kinds. They are usually always activities that seek to entertain, relax, expend energy, etc.

Another motivation for hobbies is to get away from boredom. There are many people who are so used to working or studying, so heavily involved in their obligations that they don't know what it is to be without doing anything, and then that situation disturbs them.

The ideal and advisable for these cases is that they seek or develop a hobby, because this way they remove boredom and also learn to do other things beyond the mandatory ones, and this undoubtedly is a help when it comes to clearing their minds and renewing them. energies.

The most common hobbies

In this sense, sports can easily be some of the most common hobbies: sports that are practiced for pleasure and not out of obligation and that are the escape valve for the stress or fatigue that work can generate. Other common hobbies can be handicrafts of a wide variety, brain teasers, cooking, collecting, gardening or botany, caring for pets, reading, the use of technological supports such as video games, internet, etc.

Puzzle games are also part of the large group of hobbies, which in addition to occupying free hours allow to work with ingenuity.

Other hobbies that make our mind work and exercise our memory, intelligence and knowledge are those such as crosswords, alphabet soup, crosswords, among others.

They usually appear in many magazines and newspapers and there are also specialized publications that contain them.

Many times people can only spend a little time doing their hobby depending on their work and professional schedule. It is usually common for people to enjoy their favorite hobby on weekends or at night, times when they are no longer in the workplace.

However, there are many hobbies that can be practiced at any time and the person can take the material with them everywhere, for example those who have a hobby of reading, can take the book or the electronic book wherever they go and when They have a free time or death, among their compulsory activities, they can take it out and show their passion.

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