
rogue definition

The term rogue is a qualifying adjective that is used to designate those people who are characterized by having a friendly, cheerful personality and with some level of taste for mischief, malice or irony. Children tend to be mischievous but the term can be applied to anyone regardless of age. Mischief is one of the characteristics that can define the personality of individuals and in some cases it can also be developed by animals, especially domestic animals.

Mischief is a characteristic or a personality trait that has to do with sympathy, grace, good humor, and mischief or wickedness (perhaps innocent). In this sense, mischief has always been an important element of comic theater since it is a way of saying things that would normally be criticized through humor and grace.

Being mischievous implies being a person with humor and also with a level of intelligence since it is assumed that everything that is said is for a special reason, or that it seeks to mean something particular with it. A person (or even a mischievous animal) may act gracefully to obtain their benefits, to make their opinion known or to make fun of others, for example when it is said that a person was mischievous by saying something and did it with humor or grace . Mischief is very typical of certain environments but is not accepted in others, for example the workplace in which professionalism, sobriety of attitude and respectful manners are particularly important. As said before, mischief is very typical of children who always have an innocent spirit and who always act according to their purest reasoning.

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