
definition of dissent

The word dissent refers disagreement, disagreement, between two or more people about a particular issue.

Disagreement between two or more people about an issue or how to solve a problem

That is, dissent is the lack of agreement on something.

Dissent is a very common state of affairs in democratic societies in which freedom of expression predominates, and by case, each individual can freely express what he thinks about an issue, even if he does not have the same point of view as holds the current authority.

Now, precisely in authoritarian societies, we will try to make dissent disappear.

The methodologies to do so almost always make use of extreme violence, persecution, and incarceration, among other actions.

A means to know something deeply

On the other hand, dissent is usually considered in many contexts as much more than the differences that a person may have with others regarding the solution of an issue, but it can be taken as the means to achieve full knowledge about a problem. thematic.

This is so because many times the opposing positions or visions generate evidence of the points for and against each one and in this approach an improved point of view is achieved that includes the best of the two alternatives that were opposed.

The debate, a principle of agreement

Generally, at the request of dissent, to solve it and correct the differences, what is usually proposed is to hold a debate, a discussion between those involved and that will have the mission of leading them to exchange the different points of view they present and if it is possible to reach an agreement on the matter.

Debate is one of the most used oral communication techniques when confronting antagonistic proposals on a problem.

In most of them, in addition to the individuals who disagree, a moderator appears, who will be responsible for directing the debate, ordering the presentations and allowing each one to present their point of view in an orderly manner.

The concept that is opposed to dissent is that of consensus, which is on the contrary, the agreement of all the people that make up an organization, entity, among others, on a topic of interest to the group.

It may happen that some groups, for example the political ones, are aligned behind an ideology, but, in relation to various issues, their members, each with experiences and subjectivities, do not fully agree on how to solve certain conflicts.

This is where dissent usually appears and it is essential that a way to alleviate it be found immediately, through debate and discussion in order to avoid disagreements ending up undermining the initial union of the group.

It should be noted that many times from dissent it is possible to reach consensus on an issue and this is precisely possible from discussions and debates.

For example, the solution of a problem that divides the opinions of a community, and as such generates dissent, can be overcome by calm discussion, and although the various opposing parties do not change their positions, what they can do. is to reach a consensus to resolve it in the best possible way.

Encourage development, dialogue and tolerance

Dissent is extremely positive for the development and growth of a community if it is decided to face it based on the debate of ideas and the search for consensus.

And so is it, because dissent always encourages dialogue, and as we know, there is nothing better than to speak and discuss in a calm and open way the issues on which we do not agree.

Therefore, dissent must be considered as an indispensable and natural issue to occur in a mature society, tolerant of differences and in which the freedom of expression of all prevails, without limits or any differentiation whatsoever. no reason.

Now, this freedom must always be respected and limited only to respect for others and harmonious coexistence, that is, you cannot attack them by saying without precautions anything that harms others, this must be the basic limit.

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