
definition of anthology

An anthology is any book that contains a selection of literary texts by one or more authors, mostly the best of these or at least the most remembered and those that made them famous., However, in recent times anthologies have transcended these written and literary limits a little more and, for example, the field of music began to use this traditional compilation format and so today it is very common that there are also musical anthologies of very important musicians of yesterday and today who bring together their best songs and creations in a single album.

Use the traditional term because undoubtedly the anthology is a type of work that has been used as a synthesis of others for a long time, in addition, they have a special added value because being a compendium of the best that has been done throughout his history and career an artist, contains the most important and representative of him, therefore they turn out to be an essential path to traverse and explore when you want to begin to know and deepen the complete work of an artist.

Generally, most of the anthologies were born to summarize those poetic works, however, there are other genres that have also made use of the anthology such as fables, short stories and essays.

And likewise, as music and other genres took away that exclusivity that poetry held over anthology, in recent times anthologies on very particular themes are also available.

Some conditions that any anthology must always respect are the inclusion of the bibliographic sources that were consulted for its preparation, a cover with the name of the person who carried out the compilation task, in many cases they are usually other authors, admirers of the work, someone, a prologue, an introduction and the index that allows easy access and find each part of it.

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