
vector image definition

A vector image is the digital image. It is made up of independent geometric objects such as: polygons, arcs, among others, and each of them will be defined by different mathematical attributes such as shape, color, position.

The format of the vector image is totally different from that of raster graphics, made from pixels.

The main goodness that vector images offer us is that of be able to expand its size to piacere without suffering the scaling problem that raster graphics have.

They also allow you to move, stretch and even twist the images in a very simple way.

Among the geometric figures that are applied, the following stand out: polygons, lines, polneas, Bezier curves, Bezigons, ellipses and circles.

It should be noted that the use of this type of format has been extended to the generation of images in three dimensions, whether static or dynamic.

The most recurrent uses that this type of images receive are: graphics generation (used to create expandable logos and in technical design: CAD), document description language (PostScript and PDF formats, unlike raster graphics, these allow viewing and printing without loss of resolution), video game (3D video games), Internet (they usually appear in open formats: VML and SVG or in proprietary format) and fonts (TrueType, PostScript and OpenType).

As the screen of all computers is physically composed of pixels, they are prepared to translate from raster graphic to vector graphic.

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