
discovery definition

Discovery is always the result of observation, but what at a certain moment you will come across a novel or original situation about some aspect of reality. Generally, the discoveries refer to a natural phenomenon or the putting into evidence of some manifestation or encounter that was for some reason hidden and out of circulation.

But although a discovery could occur from one moment to the next, that is, I alone observing a certain reality I discover a determining fact that changes events and the course of things, this more than anything is a scenario that does not occur very frequently. On the contrary, and normally the discoveries are associated with a work of contemplation that required the investment of a lot of time, as well as the teamwork of a group of people who were associated with this purpose.

What I tell you is evidenced in most scientific discoveries, it is very rare, that a scientist, unipersonally, is responsible for an important finding, that is, it may be that one is distinguished over another by the time he has been investigating A certain phenomenon but always a discovery will be the effort and the result of a team.

In addition to the discoveries that mostly occur in the scientific field, such as the finding of a vaccine that reverses the symptoms of a disease, discoveries are also called the incursion of people representing a certain culture or Nation, in the geographical environment. and cultural of another.

That is why the meeting of each region, continent, island or geographical feature, is also called discovery

One of the most representative examples of this type is the Discovery of AmericaThus, the Spanish crown, which at that time was under the rule of the Catholic kings Fernando VII and Isabel La Católica, decided to call for the discovery of lands carried out by the Spanish admiral Christopher Columbus.

Although at first and given the physical conception of the earth at that time, it was believed that Columbus had reached the Indies, even he died believing that he had been, but soon the truth of a new continent would be revealed.

We could undoubtedly place this discovery on the page of the highest moments of humanity and of universal history, since it implied the meeting of two worlds absolutely opposed to each other, as it was, on the one hand, those pre-Columbian civilizations that lived simply from their effort and without the slightest intention to explore new horizons and on the other, the European civilization that brought many novelties for them, as well as unsanctified intentions to appropriate a good part of their lands and achievements, among the most despicable issues of the operation .

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