
definition of innate

The word innate is a term that is used when you want to realize that such quality, activity, attitude or behavior that someone has, was born with it and then has not acquired it either by education or as a result of experience. Has an innate predisposition for acting.

Meanwhile, the word innate is closely linked to the concept of nativity that usually appears with recurrence in the doctrine of the rationalist philosophical systems. It has its origin in the need to find a source of knowledge different from that of experience.

According to what these systems propose, if knowledge does not come from the senses, it must arise from another side, which is the innate; According to this current of thought, the most outstanding ideas would have an innate origin.

Thus, some knowledge, ideas and mental content are already present in the individual from birth.

For his part, the innate immune system, is the one who It contains the cells and the mechanisms destined to defend the individual from the infection that can be caused by other organisms.. This situation will imply that the cells of this innate immune system recognize and then respond to pathogens in a generic way and of course different from that of the adaptive immune system.

This system provides instant defense against disease and infection and can be found in almost all forms of plant and animal life.

Among its many actions, in vertebrates, the following stand out: the enlistment of immune cells towards those infected or inflamed areas from the manufacture of chemical factors; the activation of alarms to identify bacteria; the recognition and elimination of those substances foreign to organs, tissues or blood.

The concept of innate is opposed to that of acquired, which is used to refer to behavior or attitude, among others, not genetic, nor hereditary, but results from the influences received during development from parents, peers or the family.

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