
definition of consensus

The term consensus is one that is used to refer to the act by which several parties reach an agreement that satisfies all. Consensus is a very important part of life in democracy since it assumes that any decision must be accepted by all members of a group, otherwise we would be talking about some kind of authoritarianism that is not beneficial for harmonious coexistence.

To understand the concept of consensus, it is important to point out that human coexistence, unlike that of the animal, is not based on instincts and irrepressible forces but is organized around rational principles and this means that for many things in daily life two or more more individuals can agree on what is best and most appropriate according to the environment and context. Consensus supposes that the parties participating in the phenomenon agree, accepting even those elements with which they are not totally satisfied but which will make it possible to reach a middle ground.

Consensus can be present in countless situations in everyday life, for example when two or more parties agree on the price of a product, or on how to act in a specific situation, etc. However, in some situations of political life, consensus is essential in order to transform reality and make really useful changes on it. This is so, for example, when different parties or political organizations must agree or reach a consensus on how to act in the face of a conflict that is difficult to solve; The same happens when members of the same party must agree on the methods and practices to follow in a particular situation (for example, the choice of the candidate who will stand in the elections).

Consensus also exists in the world of science and here it is vital since it implies that when a theory is proposed or published, it must be accepted by the rest of the scientific community so that it can continue to investigate and solve scientific riddles.

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