
hint definition

An indication is that which allows us to infer or know the existence of something that is not perceived at the moment.

Signal, trace that is left and that allows us to infer or draw conclusions about a fact

According to the studies carried out by the logician and philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce, the sign is a sign that will be determined by its dynamic object as a consequence of the relationship it maintains with it. The sign is one of the three levels that the sign presents; it is immediately related to the object denoted, such as, for example, the appearance of a symptom of a disease, the movement of a weather vane towards a certain direction, which will tell us the direction of the wind at that moment.

The key to always follow for the resolution of criminal cases

In the field of criminology, the term indication occupies a preferential place, since it evokes an apparent and probable sign of the existence of something and at the same time it is a synonym of sign, of indication. That is why an indication, in these circumstances, will be all significant sensitive material that can be perceived through the senses and that is related to the criminal event under investigation.

The police, who are normally in charge of investigating crimes as soon as they occur, are precisely in charge of monitoring and determining each of the data, marks, fingerprints, which are recorded at the crime scene and whose study and analysis allow reach the perpetrators or perpetrator of the crimes under investigation.

Physical traces are those that researchers especially follow, for example, footprints, fingerprints on an object, hairs on the ground, among others; all these elements will be subjected to exhaustive analysis to be able to approach the resolution of the case.

It is said that the perfect crimes do not exist and almost always ends up finding some clue that allows to find the author of the facts.

The same happens with objects or subjects that have been lost, the police, or whoever carries out the investigation of the whereabouts, will focus on all the signs and facts related to them, in the moment immediately prior to their disappearance, with the mission of obtaining data that allows you to get closer to your finding.

Let's think about a shipwreck, the discovery of the boat or part of it in the waters will be a clue to follow to find survivors near it.

The importance of technology in criminal investigation

We cannot ignore the impact that the development of technology has today in the arduous path of finding clues.

A cell phone can be a Pandora's box when it comes to tracking a crime or the disappearance of a person, since by assessing it, data can be obtained such as: who the victim spoke with for the last time, what was the schedule of your last internet connection, among others.

On the other hand, in the field of entertainment, there are games popularly known as enigmas, which are characterized precisely by presenting various clues so that players can unravel the riddle.

The influence of the senses on your perception

As it is a sensitive material, we understand that it is made up of elements that are apprehended and perceived only from the use of the organs of our senses: the ear, the eyes, the hands. To maximize the capture of sensitive material it will be necessary for our organs to be absolutely doomed to the same object. In this way we will avoid all kinds of errors or confusion in the selection of the material to be studied. Once its relationship with the fact under investigation has been proven, it will become evidence.

Types of evidence

According to the relationship they present with the facts, the indications may be: determined signs (those that need a detailed analysis at a glance and are directly related to the person who produces them, such is the case of fingerprints on weapons) and indeterminate indications (They are those that need a complete analysis in order to know both its composition and its structure according to its physical nature, such as: hairs, fibers, urine, semen, vomit, blood traces, among others).

Yet the first manifestation or the small amount of something it is also designated by the word indication.

This sense can be applied to the discovery of some type of element or material in some geographical place that was not expected or was thought to exist, for example, that presence constitutes an important milestone in the area in question.

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